LRTS Remote Base

A Yaesu FTdx10 with an LDG Z110PRO auto tuner and a wire loop antenna for use remotely by club members.

Getting Started:
Signup for an account at
Please email [email protected] and let him know your name and callsign and that would like to added to the server.
Download the RCForb Client Windows client from or you can get the Android app at

Setting up the software:
Sign in with your Remote Hams username and password.
Open the RCForb Client.
Click the Menu icon
Select New Connection

Fill in the following information:
Remote Name: LRTS or any name you would like
Server Port: 4527
VoIP Port: 4526
Click OK when finished

Double Click on the connect in Yellow that you created.

Enjoy the remote! If you have any questions or problems please email [email protected].